Thursday, March 12, 2009

Missing High School...Like Alot!


What school did you go to?
*Mount Carmel High School

What were your school colors?
*Purpulish Plaid colors for the skirt & vest, White for the shirt

Did you ever ditch?
*Freshmen year? Nope!

Who were your best friends?
*Close friends..Gosh, lots...

What elective classes did you take?
*P.E. Kill me! lol

Who was your favorite teacher?

Did you pass all of your classes?
*Yes I did

How did you get to/from school?
*My mother dearest

Did you drink/smoke?
*I will not lie, I did

Did you go to homecomming?
*No homecoming

Did you go to prom?

If so, who were your dates?

Did you play any sports?
*Floor Hockey

Were you involved in any clubs?


Did you go to sporting events?
*Basketball, once in a while

Ever get detention?
*Hell Yeah. Ms Guerrero was watching

Did you play sports?
*Not this year, I took

Who did you date?
*Was dating an older

Did you hang out with mostly guys or girls?

What was your least favorite class?

Did you hate anyone?

Did you have the same friends as freshman year?

Go to any dances?

If so, who was your date?
*mah friends


Did you wish you could change schools?
*Half of my Sophomore year I transfered to MHS

How did you spend your birthday that year?
*At home

Where were all the parties?
*Lotta places

Ever get suspended?
*No...Mr.Borja @ MHS thought I was an Angel, I was!

How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?
*By this time, I had 4 already

Who were they?
*Dont even wanna mention one of

Do any drugs during school?

Did you play sports?
*only in P.E. uh!

Did you go to homecoming or prom?
*Prom, Yes!

If so, who were your dates?
*I went to MCS Prom, with my friends


Did you change schools?
*Since half of Sophomore year

Was it the best year of high school?
*Yeah, Girls wanting to fight me cause they hated me for some have no idea why, I never tried to start problems...

Was it stressful?

Did you get in trouble a lot?
*Not me! I talked my way outta

Did you keep your same friends all through high school?
*Yes, whether I was in a different school or not

Were you involved with any clubs/sports?
*FBLA-Future Business Leaders of America..loved it

Did you fail any classes?
*Yeah, P.E. lol...Si Mr.Blondin, hated that I was always walking not

Where did you take your senior pictures?

What teacher really helped you the most?
*Mr.Tyce Mister!

Did you play any sports?
*During my Junior year for P.E.

How did you get to/from school?
*I drove

Did you drink/smoke?

Did you go to homecomming?
*Again, no homecoming

Did you go to prom?
*Yes I did

If so, who were your dates?
*Ken Stewart, my bestie in High School...Miss him!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well, Alot has been going on lately, both good and not so great...

#1. Had so much fun working on the weekend. The "Nikkei Women" Magazine Media was here, and I had the honor of working with them...I had alot of fun. It was a great experience because it was my first time working with Media (Speaking of which, I will post up a blog & pics from the Tinian Hot Pepper Festival, which was my first trip with MVA). Anyway, I had the pleasure of going with them to Coral Ocean Point Golf Course, Saipan Country Club, Round @ Restaurant, Mt. Tapochau, Expressions (This was not part of the plan, but eversince Polly told me about this place, I love it, BTW they bought wine and lots of candy from Expressions, THANKS!), the Lighthouse, and Back to Fiesta Resort & Spa. This was a long yet fun day. Would love to do it again.

#2. Had to give away my loving, adopted daughter Mellanee. I was so heart broken. Almost raising her for a year and having to let her go killed me. Her father called and told her she had to go and live with his brother and her brother. Beacsue he is going to fix her passport and she will be leaving to Cali. I can't believe this is finally happening. I mean, I knew it would, but I didnt realize how quickly. I really miss her so much and wish she was still living with us. Hopefully, I will still get to see her on the weekends. I really do miss her alot. I will always love her and consider her as my daughter. I was the only actual mother figure she had.

#3. Got my wisdom tooth taken out. I was seriously very scared. I did not want to go through the pain that everyone was talking about. The thought of cutting my gums and sewing it back on was a killer. As I was walking into the dentist office I swear I was shaking and wanted to go back home. After everything everyone said I could not believe I was still going to do it. As I sat on that chair, I was horrified, but what choice did I have? They started off by numbing my mouth with a gel and then gave me 2 numbing shots. They started using their tools and I swear, I did not feel a thing. I ddint even realize that they had already taken out the tooth. I was in such relief. It didnt hurt at all, I didnt feel anything. I started to feel my face agin after about 7 hours. Then I started feeling the pain of the stiched area. But im all good...It so wasnt that

Sunday, February 22, 2009


On Saturday, February 22, 2009, My honey and I went to watch a movie. This was NOT just any movie. The movie was called "FIREPROOF". As I was working on Friday, Abeth (from Canon) asked me if I like watching movies. I replied with a "yes." He informed me that they will be showing this movie at their Church. I was hesistant at first because this would be my first time to go to a church and watch a movie. Well, I told him I would try. I spoke to Chris about it and he was also not really interested in going, but he did it for me. I really wanted to see what this movie was about. This was a movie about marriage and married couples. Though Chris and I are not married, we are engaged and marriage is in our future.

As we were walking up the stairs there was a major crowd. So many people coming to watch this movie. Mind you, this was the 3rd time they played it. There were 3 sessions. We went to the last one which was at 7pm.

Well, the movie started and I was already interested. As the movie was playing, I honestly admit I started to tear. It was so sweet, sad, exciting...oh so many feelings...Chris actually felt emotional too...He even told me he enjoyed that movie alot. This was surprising because Chris is not at all interested in these kind of movies. He is not into Romance movies at all. But this one caught his attention. I believe this movie is going to change us and help our relationship grow better.

For all those who have not seen this movie, I urge you to go online and see the preview and buy the DVD. I am gonna go online to buy the DVD and the "Love Dare" book that was used in this movie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Queen of Hearts

I would like to Thank everyone who voted for my little girl Taliyah Sablan Bocago. Because of all of you, she won 2009's Queen of Hearts! I am so happy for her and she is happy too. This is her 2nd picture contest that she has won. The first was in 2006when she won the cutest kid contest. She was so adorable. And still is. Again, Thank You all!

2006 Cutest Kid

2009 Queen of Hearts

Aunty Nene:(

Just wanted to express my feelings!

My dad's sister "Nene" passed away a few days ago. It has been tragic for our family. She was the youngest of eight children. She was always so happy and was full of jokes. I loved spending my time with her. I could just sit around with her and we could joke all day. She was so much fun and I will truly miss those days. She was suppose to come yesterday to Saipan(she lives in the Philippines) to visit the family with her husband. She passed away on Sunday. I could not believe my ears when I got that "we have bad news" phone call. I was hoping and praying it would not be that, but as my cousin said "Aunty Nene passed away" I was speechless. I didnt know what to say. Until this day, I still don't believe it is true. How could this happen? She never mentioned being sick or anything. But little did we know she was. I will never forget that phone call. At night while we have the rosary, I can't look at her picture without tearing up. It hurts so much to know she is gone and we will not be joking like we use to. We could have been doing that yesterday if she had come to Saipan.

When she is here in Saipan we always play Bingo. She loves it so much. I love it. We only play when she is here. Now I dont know when we will ever play it again. I use to always sit beside or across her because she would joke and laugh about everything, which made her so joyfully fun. *tear* I still can't believe she is gone. I didnt even get the chance to say goodbye.

I will miss you and will NEVER forget you aunty nene. I love you always!

What "Irks" You?!?!?!

Well, I have been feeling a bit frustrated, at times. Especially when things "irk" me. There are a few things I can't stand but I put up with it anyway. So I just wanted to express it the best way i know how, writing about it. Here Goes Nothing.

-I admit, I nag but not alot. Maybe about the dishes, but I only say "Can someone please wash the dishes" or "Please wash your dishes when you are done eating." Minor things like that. But I have been nagged on constantly that I just can't stand it. I mean, what makes someone feel so happy about nagging, nagging, and nagging? I just dont get it. I get so irritated that I just want to burst out yelling, but I just keep silent and complain in my head. I try so hard not to start arguments. Yes, at times I would say something to that person or persons, but still they continue to NAG! Its the kind of nagging when they want to have the last word. Doesn't that "irk" you? Well, it annoys me BIG time! I just wish they could sit in front of a mirror and nag the way they do, and I am so sure they would annoy themselves.

2)Always wanting to be right!
-We have all done this. But when we figure we are wrong, most of us live up to it, but some people will NOT stop even if they are wrong. I go through this alot. I know this person who always wants to be right. She/He has argued with me & my other half constantly. Saying she/he knows this and that. Saying, Yes Yes Yes or No No No. What would it take for some people to just be like "I was wrong?"

3)Asking for help(always), but igonoring the help.
-I know sounds weird but trust me, I know what this feels like. I am a big helper. I help those who need my help alot. This one person has asked me for help since the day I met them. I have helped this person more than anyone else has. I probably get a phone call 3 times a week asking for help. Like: "Can I borrow $ for gas?", "Do you have pampers?", "Man, We dont have this, can I have some?", "Can you take me to this place?", "Can I borrow your car?", or "Can you help me with my resume or sending out my resume?" Yup! All of this! But recetly I have quit. Helping so many times lets them feel that they don't have to do anything! I sent out the resumes, they landed and interviews, but did not go to the interviews nor did they call the place to let them know they can't make it. I only helped because I care & would like to help them acheive a better life. But I guess my help is not worth it. I am not trying to be mean, but I can't help those who don't want to help themselves.

Well, this is just to name a few!

Monday, November 24, 2008


>How do you usually introduce yourself to people?
::Ur name? Tasia! Tasha? Tasia! Kaisha? Yeah! lol::

Where do you usually order pizza from?
::Pizza Hut::

Have you ever been to Houston?

Have you ever tripped going up steps?

What’s one thing you really hope to do this summer?
::hmm...IDK yet::

Do you have a best friend?
::Yes I Do!::

Who’s 1 on your top?
::In Myspace & In Life...My daughters::

Are you currently fighting with someone?

Where will you be in the next 12 hours?

What did you do 2 nights ago?
::Watched DVDs at the house::

Have you ever thrown something out of a moving car?

Next 2 important days on your calendar?
::Christmas & My mom's Bday::

Who’s the last person to text message you?
::hmm...IDK, someone about a tattoo::

Last wedding you attended?
::Whoa! uhh...hmm::

Who did you get this from?

If alcohol were banned worldwide, what would your reaction be?
::i'd be cool...Im not some kinda heavy drinker::

How much money did you make today?
::hmm...ZERO! lol...aint payday yo!::

How is the weather today?

::Sunny 4 now, but im sure it will rain later::

Have you ever kissed a guy named Mike?
::gosh!!! yeah::

What are your plans for tomorrow?
::hmm...oh yeah go to

Can you see a phone right now?

When is your birthday?

Are you currently working at a job that you hate?

Ever skipped school and spent the day at the beach?
::skipped but I wasnt at the beach::

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
::When my honey looks at me::

Who was the last person you drove with?
::Mah Honey baybeh::

How are you today?
::irr..could be better::

When you’re in a bad mood, what do you do?

Do you have any really crazy relatives?

When people get depressed are you the one they turn to?
::Lots of them..I love it::

Does anyone in life know the real you?
::yes, alot know the real me, cause i never fake who I am::